Friday, April 24, 2015

My Day

Sorry that I haven't blogged for awhile I v'e been really busy. So today was one of the funnest days of my life. Today at school we had a fun run and I got a medal for running really really fast. I was one of the first kids to be there I tied with some other 5th graders. We all got Popsicle's it was so good. Then after the fun run we did this really fun science game on the internet with some kids phones. It was kind of like a competition but I was the only girl in my group but it was still really fun. Then after we got to do this thing called Fun Friday. My teacher Miss Paul brought some board games from her home. We got to play board games until it was lunch time. After lunch we went to recess after that. It was an early out day so we just passed out papers and did some class drawings I won a silly band. Then we just read a book called Hatchet. Then it was time to go home. When my dad came home at like 6:40. We went downstairs to play some ping pon and basketball I stink at ping pon it's really fun to play. Basketball is also really fun. That was my day I hope you liked my post today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

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