Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Home Alone

For this past week, my mom has been out of town and my dad has to work so I have been home alone with my little brother. This may sound easy but it's actually very hard and frustrating, this is hard and frustrating because I am in charge of my little brother but he doesn't listen to me and it ends up making me look like I'm not telling him to do the stuff he has to do for example he has to play piano, do his math and la textbooks, his pushups, and his situps. But he doesn't listen to me, that's one complication. But there are many other complications also known as food. For example, I have to make him lunch and that's not very good, because I'm not a very good cook. And the truth is my little brother is a better cook than me. So technically he's the one making us lunch, which is kind of pathetic for me like right now he's making us lunch and he's doing a really good job. Let's just say my little brother is quite good at making us food. But in conclusion, those are some complications for when I'm home alone with my little brother. 
Image result for pictures of foodImage result for pictures of a grand white piano