Thursday, June 25, 2020

Ender's Game #1

Hi, so there isn't much to blog about. Last night me and my little brother slept really late because he had to make up a bunch of his stuff. For example, he had to do 200 kicks, 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, and he also had to read 40 pages of science. While he was reading his 40 pages of science, I started reading a book my dad introduced to me.

The book is called Enders game, I read two chapters and it was actually a pretty interesting book. It's a book about a kid named Andrew but his friends call him Ender and his sister and brother call him third. When the book started he had just gotten a monitor taken out of his neck, however, he is special because he got the monitor taken out when he six unlike the people around him who got it out when he was 3. However, thirds older brother is very aggressive and almost kills his brother and sister multiple times. However, this is only the first two chapters, as I continue to read the book I'll write the summaries for the chapters on y blog.


  1. "On y blog?"

    Anyway, the quality of your blog is getting batter. I'd love to see more blogs where you explain your thoughts on things. You should also blog about your ideas on solving problems or prepping for college.

    1. ahem and you say I have bad grammar "batter" lol (in sarcastic voice)
