Saturday, August 29, 2020

School starts in 2 days

 Hi, sorry I haven't been blogging a lot recently I have been busy with soccer and getting ready for school. Anyways my first day of school is on Monday, however, I am doing all online so hopefully, it will be easier. Yesterday I got my school supplies (textbooks, and art supplies), and I got all my binders notebooks and folders ready. I also wrote my summaries for my summer reading "Much Ado About Nothing", all I have left to do to get ready is to finish reading Of Mice and Men and finish writing and print my summaries. I feel pretty excited but also nervous for the school year because it is Junior year, and I'm taking 3 AP's and an honors class, and I also have high school soccer after school. It's also harder because I am taking online school, and we are in the middle of a Pandemic.