Sunday, November 10, 2019

How does plastic affect us?

Image result for plastic pollution
In my last blog in the label "Saving The World From Plastic" was about plastic in our oceans. Even though plastic in our oceans is a huge problem, there is also the problem of plastic pollution in our world; this includes how plastic affects us, humans.

One question you might be asking is, what is plastic pollution? The definition of plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles, for example, plastic bottles and much more. This adversely affects the earth's environment and wildlife, wildlife habitat, and even us humans. Plastic that act as pollutants are categorized into micro, meso, or macro debris based on size.

How is plastic pollution affecting the earth's environment? First of all, plastic takes a very long time to decompose. If the plastic is left in the environment for long enough, it can leak toxic chemicals into our soil and waters. Ruining both the way our planet looks and also destroying the earth in general.

When the plastic leaks toxic chemicals into our soils and waters, it affects humans and animals. It affects humans because we eat plants that grow from the soil if there is plastic or toxic chemicals in that soil we are going to consume it, and then the plastic will also be in us. It affects animals because animals eat grass or vegetables. Where do these greens come from? They grow out of the soil, meaning animals will also have plastic and toxic chemicals in them. Not only that, this then comes back to us, because we eat the animals for meat. For example, beef, pork and that's not even all of them, that means we are also starting to eat the plastics.


  1. Again, you need to have a better structure in your presentation. Think about writing an index first.

