Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Latin Final!

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          I'm so nervous because tomorrow I have my Latin final, and I'm super nervous since there are so many case endings and formulas to memorize. But not only that but fall term has flown by, such as I can remember everything we did but it just feels so short. Like the year is flying by, and it just feels like a leaf blowing away in the blink of an eye. But I know I'm going to try as hard as I can on all my finals. And hopefully I will do great on all of them and if I don't, I will know that I tried my best. But as a human being of course I want to get all A's for the fall term!
Image result for the word latin          Another thing is that since finals are for 5 days we only have to be at school for 2 hours each class. So tomorrow I only have to do my Latin final for 2 hours, then I get to go home. Another thing is that at my school we have a study hall that we can take instead of Latin. And I want to do that since last year I went in the middle of the year and I still had to take Latin. But also because Latin is one of the classes that I have the most homework in, and I fell really stressed in Latin. But anyway I better go study for my Latin final and get all my things done!

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