Saturday, August 3, 2019

Plastic in our oceans

      To this day, plastic is a huge problem. Plastic is a part of our daily lives whenever we go shopping for clothes, grocery shopping. The cashier always gives you a plastic bag to hold and store the stuff you bought. Even though plastic is very convenient and helpful, it is horrible for the climate, the reason for this is because plastic is not biodegradable. This makes it so that plastic is around for 1,000 years before it is decomposed. If we continue with this, the earth will become ruined because of our overuse of plastic. However, there are ways to help our earth, for example, reusable bottles like hydro flask's, yeti's, any reusable bottles. There are also reusable bags that you could use for your grocery shopping or clothes shopping.
Nevertheless, one of the most plastics consumed in the ocean is plastic straws, plastic bags, plastic bottles, in general plastic. When plastic first enters the ocean, it floats, but over time it will sink to the ocean floor, and then the plastics will break into small pieces of plastic called microplastics. Recently a diver had set a record with one of the deepest dives made yet, which is a great accomplishment, but the horrible thing about this is that instead of finding amazing new sea creatures, he found plastic tons and tons of plastic. This indicates that if we do not change what we do every day, we are putting the world at risk. So what you can try to do is use less plastic, try to get a water bottle or a reusable bag. In conclusion, I will be trying to raise awareness and trying to solve the problem of plastic in this world today.
Image result for plastic in the oceanImage result for plastic in the ocean


  1. A good start, but I'd like to see more organized thoughts and better structured presentation. For example, plastic products are in many more forms than what you described. The harm can also be put into different categories. You can try again in a different blog(s). You can even break it down into smaller topics but go deeper in that topic, such as have a separate blog on the harm and a separate blog on what plastic products are out there, maybe in the form of a day of your life and all the plastic things you have encountered.

  2. Much better in terms of syntax and grammar after you ran this through Grammarly.
