Sunday, June 21, 2015

The little chicks

      Today me and my family did something very interesting today. This is how it all started we were outside in the front yard. When my little brother Isaac found a little baby quail and told me so we got all excited. And searched all over for it then my dad saw us and came out. And asked us what we were doing. So we told him and we searched all over for it but it ran off so we went inside the house to do the. Things we needed to do. But underneath one of the oak trees from my dads bedroom window he saw 6-8 little chicks. We went out side to go see it but they were gone. But then I notice one and we went to go see it. And it takes like 15 minutes but we finally found it and picked it up and took some pictures of it. Then we go inside to show my mom but runs off in the house as soon as we show my mom. But thankfully I was fast enough to catch it and we gave it back to it's mom and dad. 
That's it for today! Hope u all like my post today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye 

1 comment:

  1. Adeline, you seriously need to do a better job and breaking your sentences. The punctuation didn't make any sense!
