Sunday, June 28, 2020

A day in Quarantine pt 13

Hi, so my dad said he is very disappointed in my blogs in this series because he says I don't put enough effort into it. So in this blog, I'll be talking about some soccer skills I've been practicing. There are three moves that my dad taught me yesterday they are ways to get past a defender.

The first move is to let it through your legs then you run and chase the ball, this is useful because it gives you time. Meaning the defender isn't expecting it meaning you get more time to run after the ball.

The second one is your back is facing the defender then you kind of use your butt to cover the ball you let it past you and you run after it. The advantage of this is also time because the defender wouldn't be expecting it and it also opens up space.

The third one is when the ball is passed to you you use your heel to hit it behind you, it has to be at an obtuse angle and then you run and chase after the ball. This one is useful because it's fancy, but also because it's really fast and the defender doesn't expect it.

These three skills help you get past a defender and go to goal very fast, I will be practicing these three skills over summer/quarantine.

1 comment:

  1. It helps if you post a video here, like the one from Barcelona's game.
