Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A day in Quarantine pt 9

Hi, so this will be the ninth blog in the series of "A day in Quarantine", so the same as all of the other blogs there isn't much I can do. However yesterday I helped my dad by organizing his papers and putting them in binders, however, I had to make labels for the front and side of the binder, I then had to hole punch two huge books. The hole punching took me around 2-3 hours since they were each around 4-5 inches thick which is really big. Just think about how thin paper is.

While I was hole punching the hole puncher broke so I spent 15 minutes trying to fix it. Eventually, I did fix it which is good cause otherwise, I wouldn't know how to hole punch the rest of the papers. I actually found it pretty fun to hole punch, so it's like killing two birds with one stone. I wouldn't be bored and I was helping my dad.

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