Sunday, June 21, 2020

A day in Quarantine pt 7

Hi, so today is fathers day! This blog will talk about how my family and I celebrated fathers day in quarantine, this blog will also be an appreciation post for my dad. So this morning me and my little brother and mom made breakfast for my dad after we ate breakfast we played a game of Uno I'm guessing for the rest of the day my little brother and I will do the rest of our stuff then at night we will probably eat hot wings and watch a movie. There isn't really anything else we can do since we are in quarantine.

I just want to say, I really appreciate my dad. My dad does everything he can for my family and I. He is always working, coming up with ways for me and my family to do fun things. Everything he does is for the benefit of me and my family. There is so much I can say but I just want to let my dad know I really do appreciate him and everything he has done for my family and me!

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