Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The After Effects of COVID-19

Hi! This blog will be about the after-effects of the coronavirus also known as COVID-19. I am 100% sure everyone has heard about the coronavirus because it has effected everyone's daily lives. Many may think the coronavirus is just another daily flu, however, it may seem like it but it is far more deadly and scarier. Moreover, the coronavirus also has numerous damaging after-effects on the human body.

For example, the actual symptoms of coronavirus are already very painful. Also, keep in mind it doesn't matter what age you are the coronavirus will always affect you badly. Anyways the after-effects of COVID-19 include acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), mental health issues like PTSD, anxiety, and depression, impaired lung function from SARS-CoC-2 affecting organs like the heart, kidneys, and brain. However, these are some of the main after-effects but there are still many more.

Here is a list of 15 after-effects of the coronavirus 
1. chest pain and discomfort
2. lack of smell and taste
3. vertigo (feeling of not being balanced)
4. lung scarring
5. chronic heart damage
6. a persistent dry cough
7. post-ICU syndrome
8. Shortness of breath
9. brain damage
10. stroke-like symptoms
11. vascular dementia
12. pulmonary embolism 
13. renal failure
14. loss of limbs
15. mental health issues 

As you can see the after effects are very frightening, so stay safe, be responsible, and

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