Friday, April 29, 2011

Singing at school concert

Today my school had a History and Heritage Fair. Part of the Fair is a concert, and my whole class sang in the concert.

In the past week we had been practicing singing every day. Today we went to the auditorium to perform. We stood in a line and went on the stage. When I was on the stage, I didn't like it because I was scared. I don't know if my classmates were scared. I was standing in the front row, and I could see my dad and my baby brother. But I didn't see my mom. We sang two songs. The first one was "find a friend." It was a Chinese song. The next one was an English one and it was "don't you push me down." I don't think we did a good job because one of my classmates kept singing after we were done. The audience seemed to like our performance because they applauded.

My dad recorded our performance and helped me put it in my blog. You can see it below.

After singing, we went into the lunch room and watched movies for a while. Then I went home.


  1. 雪儿:你好!在你的爸爸耐心指导下,爷爷看到你的博客,你的唱歌表演,爷爷非常高兴,开心。。。雪儿长大了,除开你聪明天性之外,懂事了。。。爷爷感到我们更近了,有时间爷爷要多看看你的博客。。。这个月28日我托一位美国朋友又给你带去4本儿童读物,希望你能够喜欢!爷爷有一个要求,希望你要带好弟弟,可以吗?

  2. Now you should be able to read Grandpa's comment.
