Thursday, May 21, 2015

After School

So my day was really fun today after school. So this is how it all started:

After school I had dance class at 5:30 pm. So it was my dance teacher's birthday, so after class ended we got brownie treats and it was super fun, except for the part with my ankle. So I couldn't dance as well. So after dance class my mom came to pick me up and then went to pick my friend Ashlin up. At Ashlin's house I rang the doorbell and she came out of her garage. So we brought her home with us. My dad had to work late so we didn't get to see him. So we had dinner together. It was Chinese food and it was DELICIOUS. So after that my mom had to go back to work downstairs, so we cleaned the table and went outside to jump on the trampoline. But it was all wet so our feet were frozen. So we went back inside to have otter pops and go downstairs to play Monopoly. And pretty soon her dad came over to pick her up and she had to leave. 
That's all for today. See ya all later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's a total of 14 so's there. Are you trying to say SOS?
