Thursday, August 20, 2020

Third day of Junior season

 Hi, so today was the third day of my Junior soccer season. It actually went pretty good we spent like 20 minutes at three different stations. So the first station I started at was the running, what we had to do was ladders but with the entire field, it's hard to explain but just imagine doing ladders on a whole soccer field and every time you see a line you have to turn around and run back to where you started. We had to do two of those and it actually wasn't really bad you just had to pace yourself. The second station I went to was the workout station so we just had to do planks and squats and burpees and a bunch of other exercises for thirty seconds three times. After that, my group went to do agility and agility was actually really easy. After that, we split into the varsity and JV teams and scrimmage for the last hour and a half. It was actually a pretty good scrimmage, I'm pretty sure varsity won 5-0 or more, so I scored the first goal and assisted the majority of the other goals. However, while we were scrimmaging I was wearing a mask so I don't get corona and it's actually really difficult. Anyway's that is the third day in my junior year soccer season. 

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